Ali Fedotowsky Just Made an Honest Confession So Cue the Mom-Shamers

Ali Fedotowsky isn’t one of those moms who wishes she could slow down time. While Fedotowsky and her husband, Kevin Manno, adore their 4-month-old son, Riley, the former Bachelorette admitted “everything is hard” with an infant.

“Some people are like, ‘Oh, I love babies.’ I’m like, ‘I can’t wait until he’s not a baby anymore,’” Fedotowsky told Us Weekly at a Step2 event benefiting Baby2Baby in Culver City, California, on Saturday, September 22. “Don’t get me wrong. I love him and he’s super happy, but I am excited for him to be one-and-a-half and for [2-year-old] Molly to be three. I feel like I’m just waiting for that time to come. I know that’s a negative way to look at it, but it’s hard.”

The TV personality, who headed back to work last month at Home & Family after maternity leave, confessed she enjoys the time to herself. “Yesterday I got home from work and I was like, ‘Kevin, let me take over,’” she recalled. He’s like, ‘You’ve been at work all day.’ I’m like, ‘Are you kidding me? Being at work all day is a vacation.’”


Though Fedotowsky said that she and the radio host, 35, have had just two dates in the last three years, they now have more privacy. Riley just moved out of their bedroom and into his nursery. “That’s a big milestone,” raved the Ali Luvs blogger. She added that Molly can’t get enough of her little brother and is constantly offering to feed and hold him.

“Oh my God. Molly is obsessed with him,” Fedotowsky gushed. “She calls him ‘My baby Riley.’”

With reporting by Marisa Sullivan.

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