We all get pins and needles… but they can get serious – when you should see your GP

It's an uncomfortable feeling but generally speaking, it's pretty fleeting so isn't something many of us really think about.

But that tingly, pricking feeling can occasionally be a sign of something more serious.

What are pins and needles?

The medical term is "parathesia", and it happens when we compress the nerves or blood vessels (say, by leaning on them for too long).

That, according to Adam Taylor, director of the Clinical Anatomy Learning Centre, then disrupts the ability of our nerves to transmit impulses back to our spinal cord and brain, which interprets the signal silence as pins and needles in that area.

Writing for The Conversation, he said: "Our bodies contain miles of nerves and blood vessels. Nerves carry messages as electrical impulses to and from our brain, and blood carries oxygen and nutrients to our organs. They also need blood vessels and blood vessels need nerves.

"Nerves help change the diameter of blood vessels. For example, when we run, nerves widen blood vessels so that more blood can get to the muscles in our arms and legs."

While most of us only get pins and needles sporadically and for a short time, Adam says that long-term compression can turn into more permanent nerve damage or disfunction…

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)

Adam said: "Some forms of pins and needles are caused by occupation or lifestyle, such as carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).

"CTS occurs when the median nerve, which passes through the carpal tunnel (formed by the carpal bones in the hand and a fibrous band of tissue forming a bridge across the bones), becomes compressed by inflamed tendons that also pass through this 'tunnel'"

People who use things like pneumatic drills and carpenters are at increased risk of CTS, but so too are people who, um, use computer keyboards for hours a day. All that pressure on your wrists isn't doing you any good.

In the short term, CTS symptoms can literally just be shaken on. In the long term, however, if you don't make an active effort to stop doing whatever activity is aggravating it/wear a wrist splint or actively try to stop leaning on your wrist while typing, then you may need surgery.


Sciatica happens when the nerve which runs from your hips to your feet becomes irritated. It tends to be characterised by pain, numbness and tingling in your bottom, backs of the legs, feet and toes.

It happens when something is pressing or rubbing on the sciatic nerve – most often a slipped disc.

Usually, it gets better in four to six weeks but it can sometimes last longer.

The worst thing you can do it sit or lie down for long periods of time. The NHS advises that you try to do regular, gentle exercises, regular back stretching, apply heat packs to painful areas and really just carry on with your everyday activities.

"Saturday night palsy"

"Saturday night palsy" happens when you fall asleep with your arm hanging over something, like a chair, bar stool or edge of the bed.

"Initial pressure causes pins and needles, but this can progress quickly to longer-term damage in the form of palsy," Adam explained.

"Saturday night palsy affects the radial nerve in the arm. It is usually damaged at its location next to the biceps muscle and is the most commonly injured nerve in the arm.

"One study showed over 70% of reported injuries involved alcohol in some form, and over 75% of people with the condition compressed the nerve for over two hours, resulting in recovery that took weeks. Evidence shows that this type of alcohol-induced injury is also on the rise."

"Tight jeans syndrome"

The medical term for this is mergalgia paresthetica, and it refers to tingling in the outer part of the thigh.

It's generally associated with wearing trousers that are too tight around the waist as a result of carrying a wallet, keys or phones in pockets.

When to seek medical help

"While many of the examples listed above are temporary, there are some instances where pins and needles shouldn’t be ignored," says Adam.

"For example, tingling in the lips can indicate a food allergy or a stroke. Tingling in the hands and feet can also indicate mineral or vitamin deficiency.

"So pins and needles is a way of telling you that something is wrong, although most of the time, the cause is benign."

For things like sciatica, the NHS recommends that you see a GP if it hasn't improved after trying home treatments for a few weeks, is getting worse or the pain is stopping you from going about your everyday activities.

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