Kerry King reveals what the Universe has in store for you this week… according to Tarot

Kerry has been practising tarot readings for the last twenty years, staring from reading for friends, to amassing an international client list.

Using her strong intuition and deep knowledge and understanding of the horoscope, she is able to provide accurate and encouraging predictions for the coming days.

Aries (Four of Cups, Four of Wands, Page of Swords)

The Four of Cups hints that you’ve felt a bit "meh" about matters recently (which is not like you at all).

And there’s an effort to be made to get yourself up and out of this mini-rut.

The Four of Wands and Page of Swords combine to advise you that if you get on the pitch and play hard then you’ll be rewarded with your mojo once more.

So, even though you may not feel like it, put on your kit and get in the game.

Fake it till you make it, and soon you’ll be feeling in control and on top form.

You can hoodwink yourself out of this phase.

We all go through little spells of discontent or boredom, perhaps it’s our body’s way of making us reboot and recalibrate, ready for new challenges.

Your energies will be restored as soon as you start trying hard again. So, don’t delay. Play!

Taurus (Eight of Cups, Queen of Coins, The Star)

When the Eight of Cups is around, we tend to feel like we’re not quite in the right "place", that we should be heading in a different direction.

It’s a feeling rather than actual knowledge or insight, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore it.

Quite the opposite, in fact, because it’s an intuition you need to address.

The Queen of Coins and The Star hint that this could be about your security, home or money.

And that following your instincts, this week, could lead to a very prosperous and successful venture which will reward you with status and financial independence.

Get to it then, Taurus.

What, in your heart of hearts, do you feel like you SHOULD be doing, and would be good at?

Pay attention to this hunch, it’s come into your life to help lead you towards the pathway you were destined for.

Gemini (Five of Coins, Queen of Wands, Three of Wands)

The Five of Coins is a tough tarot card representing loss and sorrow.

Perhaps something that happened long ago, but has left behind "sticky" emotions like grief, anger, regret or guilt.

The message here is to acknowledge what’s happened but also to recognise it IS in the past, and you can (and should) move forwards without it continuing to bother you.

Two Wands cards – the Queen and the Three – come to give you a boost of fresh energy and inspiration to help you do so.

Travel is possible, or certainly a broadening of your horizons, as well as the input of others.

Geminis need stimulus and new news, otherwise they can get to dwelling…which is what has started to happen here.

So, dust off your travel plans and see what your friends and family are up to, see what others think you ought to be doing.

The Three of Wands prompts us to remember that we can go further faster with the input and support of others.

So, come out of your own headspace and join the world again.

Cancer (Two of Coins, Knight of Coins, The World)

The Two and Knight of Coins suggest you’re getting busy thinking about your home, possessions and security this week.

You can suddenly see all that needs doing and addressing, and happily you’ve got the motivation and energy to get into it.

Renewing policies, shuffling savings and investments, decluttering, having a garage sale, thinking about your next move…It’s all about “the nest” this week, and getting it ship shape and fit for purpose.

The World is the tarot’s final card and, fittingly, represents purpose.

Our ultimate goals and achievements in life, our legacy. It’s never too late, or too soon, to think about the place you want to live long term.

The type of home and location ideal for your aspirations and lifestyle – where do you think you’ll be most fulfilled and comfortable? Is it where you’re at now?

If not…how do you make that change? It’s possible, you know.

Leo (The Hierophant, The World, Six of Wands)

There’s going to be significant and extremely positive news this week.

The Six of Wands is the tarot’s "success" card and signals you’re going to get a step ahead and win through on something you care about.

The Hierophant hints that it’s largely because you’ve gone about this in the right way.

You’ve played fair, been generous, not stepped on anyone else…and the Universe acknowledges this with a big dose of good karma coming your way.

The World is the tarot’s final card and represents achievement, attainment of a higher goal.

So, this new news could be very important as regards your long-term future and position.

It’s possible you’re about to move into the role/job/ home/relationship of a lifetime! You deserve this, Leo.

Virgo (Temperance, Four of Wands, Five of Coins)

On the one hand, with the tough Five of Coins, you feel you’ve lost something recently.

There’s been a disappointment or setback which upset you, and has lingered as a regret.

But, on the other hand, you’re not letting it get you down.

In fact, as shown by the Four of Wands, it’s proven to be the catalyst for change and commitment you might’ve needed.

Nothing is gained by doing nothing. And you’re a progressor, so you’re determined to simply work twice as hard.

Temperance suggests this insight has created a "new normal" in your world. You don’t beat yourself up (so bad) anymore when things go awry.

You just shrug, accept it, and then invest your valuable energy in overcoming the issue.

The school of hard knocks has taught you very well, and you’ve become a better, stronger, wiser person for it all.

Good on you, Virgo.

Libra (Page of Coins, Six of Swords, Seven of Swords)

When the Seven of Swords shows up, there is "shade" around us.

Maybe someone coveting what you have, maybe a person who sees you as being in their way, perhaps just a chance encounter with a shifty type.

So, be on your guard this week. Play cautiously, keep your own counsel and make prudence your new BFF.

It’s likely that what you need to protect most are your plans for the future, as shown by the Page of Coins, and the investments you want to make now in order to build a more prosperous tomorrow.

And what you need to protect that from, as shown by the Six of Swords, is an influence from your past.

Perhaps an ex, an old colleague or friend, a habit or hobby you used to indulge in.

There’s something threatening to re-emerge, which you’ve moved beyond, which could trip you up.

So, be aware, don’t let it surface and all will be well.

Scorpio (Six of Wands, Nine of Wands, Ten of Cups)

You’re nobody’s fool, Scorpio, but sometimes you can take a negative view of other people unfairly, when actually giving them the benefit of the doubt would’ve been justified.

The Nine of Wands hints there is an obstacle like this in one of your close relationships, but that actually things are not as bleak or negative as you believe.

Get over yourself! The Six of Wands and Ten of Cups promise that everything can be hunky dory again, if only you would have faith in them, send a kindly word or smile, and trust that they don’t secretly hate/envy/pity you…they were actually just busy/distracted/worried about something else entirely.

I know you’re awesome, but you’re not the centre of everyone else’s world.

People have their own stresses and strains which may impact on you, but are not your fault or problem.

Remember everyone is fighting their own private battles, and you’ll feel happier if you can just take them as they are, on the good days.

Sagittarius (Page of Swords, Four of Wands, The Chariot)

The Chariot is a killer card about progression.

The headway we can make when we set our mind on something and put the effort in to make a change, address what’s happening, react to the circumstances (all with a goal in mind).

Are you doing this?

Please, please do, because the Four of Wands is a "reward" card, so there’s definitely something worth your attention in your immediate vicinity. The Page of Swords suggests you’re a bit "meh" about it.

You could certainly think of a million other things you could be doing (but when is that NOT the case, Sagittarius?).

I’m here to tell you that you should clear the decks of distractions this week and commit to the thing you think you should be, and would benefit from, making real progress on.

The planets and stars are all lined up for you to score a blinder this week, don’t waste this energy!

Capricorn (The Hierophant, Queen of Coins, Queen of Wands)

Leadership comes pretty naturally to you, Capricorn, because you’re good at seeing what needs doing and aren’t (that) shy to direct others to do it.

Both the Queen of Coins and Wands are with you this week to say it’s OK to step up and get a bit bossy with those around you.

Remember, though, that challenges should be delivered with equal amounts of support.

Also, to treat others how you wish your bosses would treat you. AND to play fair, by the rules, and with the best for everyone firmly in your mind.

Gosh, it’s harder than you thought isn’t it? Well, yes.

Just because it comes naturally to you doesn’t mean you can’t learn and improve upon your abilities and behaviours when you take control.

Be the best version of a Boss you can be this week, whether it’s in work or at home. Others need that version of you.

Aquarius (Temperance, King of Cups, Knight of Coins)

Temperance is the card of moderation, harmony, balance and a "new normal", so something is a bit out of kilter this week and will resettle as the days progress (so let that process happen, don’t get frustrated).

The presence of the King of Cups vs the Knight of Coins suggests it’s a "head vs heart" scenario, that you feel conflicted feelings about something and have struggled to square them off against each other (which isn’t like you, oh mighty creature of logic and rationale!)

Dare I say it, but follow your heart!

Your emotions are stirred for a reason and are leading you into new territory, so don’t resist their pull.

You can intellectually square it all up later on, but, for now, it’s about following and understanding where your feelings are taking you and what they’re trying to tell you.

Commit to letting this rebalance unfold naturally.

Pisces (Seven of Coins, Three of Cups, Seven of Cups)

The Seven of Coins shows up when we’ve hit a plateau, a pause, a time out and are considering how to progress, maybe whether to take things in a different direction.

And the Three and Seven of Cups suggest this is related to a relationship close to you- perhaps a partner, best friend, sibling etc.

Perhaps things have drifted off course recently, but this is THE week to reboot and recalibrate your connection – for the better.

Let your powerful imagination go on a wander…what shenanigans and bits of magic would you both enjoy and might rejuvenate your spark?

Visualise a wonderful weekend, an exciting evening, a big day out…what are you up to?
Write it down, schedule the slot, book it and pack it and toddle off. It’s that simple.

The Universe has aligned itself to make this relationship great again, so seize the day.

Kerry King uses tarot and star sign wisdom to create inspiring forecasts and insights, with over 20 years fortune telling experience, and many happy clients all over the world.

You can book a personal, written reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, at

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