Kanye West’s Simple iPhone Password Has The Internet Laughing After White House Meeting

Hint: it’s 000000.

Want to know Kanye West’s iPhone password? Start with the lowest number and you’re done. Kanye West was at the White House on Thursday when he unlocked his phone in full view of the cameras, according to The Verge. It turns out, his password is 000000, and the internet is losing its mind.

During an extended speech while visiting the White House, Kanye West unlocked his phone to show the president a GIF of a hydrogen-powered aircraft that West thought Trump should be using instead of Air Force One. West called the concept plane “iPlane One.”

“We’re going to have Apple — an American company — work on this plane,” West said during his pitch.

West explained that the president of the United States needs to improve his image, saying that if the president looks bad, the country looks bad.

Trump “has to be the freshest, the flyest… the flyest planes, the best factories,” West explained.

During the rapper’s 10-minute uninterrupted speech, he also spoke about his MAGA hat, which he has received criticism for wearing. He told Trump that wearing it made him feel like “Superman.” He also said that Trump is on his “hero’s journey” right now.

Telegraph did some research on the “iPlane One” and discovered that it’s a concept created in 2012 by designers who were asked to reimagine what aircraft would look like in a few decades.

Of course, the internet couldn’t help but weigh in on Kanye’s password snafu.

“Kanye West revealed his iPhone password on live TV during his visit with Donald Trump — and it’s probably the same as your mom’s,” said InStyle.

Slate weighed in with a bit more levity.

“At the Oval Office, West was seen typing his password into his phone. LOL! Meanwhile, Republicans are systemically attacking voting rights, possibly entrenching GOP rule for years and impacting millions of Americans for decades. But Kanye, am I right!” Slate posted on Twitter.

West’s phone appears to be an iPhone X or iPhone XS, which comes with FaceID. It wasn’t clear if the rapper was too impatient to wait for FaceID to open his phone, or if he chooses not to use it all.

According to the Daily Mail, after West left the White House, he headed straight for a nearby Apple Store. There, the rapper stood on the Georgetown Apple Store’s table and asked to give a “keynote.” No word on whether or not the staff helped him update his password, or showed him how to use the Face ID on his iPhone.

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