Dear Bill Maher, You're An Asshole. Love, Adults Who Read Comic Books.

Oh, that Bill Maher. He’s gone and done it now. The man who didn’t understand that using the n-word in jest was super-problematic wrote a blog post pissing on comic book fans for overly mourning the passing of Marvel Comics icon Stan Lee. He also insinuated that adults who read comic books are maturity-challenged losers who refuse to grow up. Well, that mouthy bastard has gone and pissed off geeks. That’s one segment of the population that you don’t want on your ass. The evil ones among us chase celebrities off of social media, topple movies by messing with their Rotten Tomatoes score, and will come to your house to protest while cosplaying Zatanna from Justice League. Your quaint little talking heads whinefest will be a smoking hole in the ground, hunty. Now, if you’ll pardon me, I need to squeeze into my Zatanna costume and go protest on Bill’s lawn.

In a post that went up on his blog yesterday, Bill Maher reduced Stan’s work to just fodder for movies.

The guy who created Spider-Man and the Hulk has died, and America is in mourning. Deep, deep mourning for a man who inspired millions to, I don’t know, watch a movie, I guess.

Excuse you, bitch? Someone needs to be thoroughly slapped with the trade paperback of Alan Moore’s From Hell. That series was long and had an appendix and the trade is THICK. He could end up in a coma.

And Billy kept on going.

The basis of the criticism seems to originate from his belief that comic books are for children. He chided adults for deciding about 20 years ago that they didn’t have to give up kid stuff.

They pretended comic books were actually sophisticated literature.

Ooo, Bill. Them’s fighting words. I don’t even need to come to your house now. It won’t be there. Right now, some comic-book-reading genius is building a raygun that will teleport your hovel to deep space.

Bill went on to blame comic book fans for getting Trump elected (!!!). That hypothetical nerd just changed the coordinates for Bill’s teleported house from “deep space” to “the sun.”

Maher then took the rather large leap from comics to the political system. “I don’t think it’s a huge stretch to suggest that Donald Trump could only get elected in a country that thinks comic books are important.”

Online commentators pointed out that Bill’s being slightly hypocritical seeing as he was in Iron Man 3 until his scene got cut (HA HA), and he owns part of a baseball team. via HuffPo

“Don’t you own part of the Mets?” said one Facebook user. “Ya know, a bunch of guys who get paid obscene amounts of money to play a children’s game and take it way too seriously?” Indeed, Maher does own a stake in the Mets.

Being one of those losers who read comic books as an adult, I’d like to note that comic books can indeed be considered literature. As in Pulitzer Prize-winning literature. And that Bill Maher comes off like a hemorrhoid-ridden, farty oldster who’s minus several clues (Exhibit# A) but just wants to yell at someone, anyone, to get off his lawn.

Pic: Instagram

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